2018年11月24日 星期六


推薦大家一本新書「驚奇紐西蘭×勇闖奇異王國」,此書深度描繪旅遊訊息、生活及文化心得,共歷時3年時間,終於問世!從概念、接洽、溝通、規劃、撰寫、設計、製作到出版這段時間裡,深深的感謝林雨臻、沈宛融、廖翊含、林書豪爲本書提供的寶貴照片和相關的旅遊經驗,以及毛利人原住民老師Saman、維多利亞大學藝術史研究生Shera、語言學老師Alle Pollard及陶藝家Peter Rumble等在毛利文化上,給予本書相當多的諮詢及歷史資訊,您們的協助,爲本書增添了更多的丰采。特別感激不吝提攜後輩,才能讓此著作有機會問世的瑞蘭國際有限公司出版部,給予我們此機會分享紐西蘭的美麗,還有我們從這次旅行中得到的靈感。再次謝謝您們。讓我們持續著夢想,不斷的再創造!特別感激不吝提攜後輩,才能讓此著作有機會問世的瑞蘭國際有限公司出版部,不僅給予我們機會分享紐西蘭的美麗,還有我們從這次旅行中獲得的靈感。再次謝謝您們。讓我們持續著夢想,不斷的再創造!

Here we recommend a new book, " New Zealand's Amazing Journey". This book shares lots of trveling information, life and culture about NZ in depth. From concept, contact, communication, planning, writing, design, production to publication, it took almost three years to finish this book. We really thank Doris Lin, Sandy Shen, Linda Liao, Steven Lin, for the valuable photos, and Saman, an aboriginal teacher of the Maoris, ceramist Peter Rumble, Shera, the graduate student of Art History in Victoria University of Wellington and linguistic expert Alle Pollard, who study the Maoris’ cultures for your related traveling experience, instruction and historic information, and especially our publisher, Ruilan International Publishing Department. Due to all of your help, we have the opportunity to share not just the beauty of New Zealand but also the inspiration we got from the trip. Thank you again. And let us keep dreaming, keep creating.

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三民書局 Sanmin Stone

誠品書店 Eslite Stone

金石堂書店 King Stone


拍攝地點:Weta Workshop