2011年10月27日 星期四


2008 應用藝術與認知設計學術研討會


The Foot Exercise on the Silvers for Products Development

吳建南Chien-Nan Wu * 王譔博Chuan-Po Wang ** 汪銘峰Ming-Feng Wang*** 林振陽Jenn-Yang Lin ****

*成功大學工業設計系() 研究生 **成功大學工業設計系() 研究生 ***東海大學工業設計系() 研究生 ****南華大學應用藝術與設計系() 教授

隨著近年來生活品質提升與醫療技術的進步,高齡化社會已是所有開發與開發中國家面臨到的重要問題, 據調查人類平均壽命已創史前的新高,而且有明顯向上提升的趨勢,引發各國對於高齡化社會問題的探討。而對高齡者與社會之直接影響便是醫療、社會福利、照顧等問題將日趨受到重視,且投入相當的財力、物力,俾使在制度配合下能激發產業的投入,給高齡族群更方便的生活空間。




Owing to the upgrading of living quality and improvement of medical technology in recent years, elderly society is going to be a serious problem for development and in developing country, the investigated average living age of human being leads to an unprecedented high record, and it’s still getting higher in trend, it occurs to the problem elderly society in countries all over the world. Therefore lot’s of effort are donated to inspire all faculties could participate in, to give elderly a wider living space.

With the age increases, not only physical maturing, but also a sort of mental ageing appears. To treat can merely improve or stop getting worse, therefore, to prevent is the only way to perform a radical cure. To exercise and adjust the body is the main method to prevent. This research proposes by1 Cognition of the elderly2Ergonomic methodologies3Configure destruction4Patent application. Design of aFoot Exercise Productsis then employed as an example to depict how to incorporate the product design method and Patent application, in order to enterprise to develop competitive product and welfare.

KeywordsErgonomic methodologies, Cognition, the elderly, configure destruction, Innovation

